For my component 2 and exam I am producing work based on the title of 'transformation'. The main idea behind my transformation work is Camera Obscura as used by Abelardo Morell in the exam brief, however at the beginning of my project I explored the work of John Stezaker as can be seen in 'Shoot 3'. After exploring these two ideas at the beginning I though the camera obscura work went better and was more creative, allowing me to experiment in many different ways.
Work in the style of John Stezaker.
Work in the style of Abelardo Morell.
During my preparatory shoots as shown on this blog I have explored different rooms of my house to achieve this effect and found the ones that work best. The best ones being the brightest rooms usually on the top floor of my house, these rooms are the ones I will be taking forward in order to shoot my final images for the exam. As evident from my blog posts, I have started to improve the technique making my images more crisp and the landscape more vibrant. This has all been through refining my technique, identifying the problem and finding a solution. I have found that using a smaller hole as the lens makes for a sharper image, improving the overall appearance of the photograph. Another aspect I have discovered is using 'time' as my shutter speed setting on my camera as this allowed me to exceed the numbered maximum of 30seconds. I am now using a shutter speed of around 2-3minutes depending on the room, this has made my images better exposed as I am allowing more light into the camera. By doing all of this, I have provided myself with the best basis for the exam, I am much clearer now on what I am doing with the camera obscura and what works best.
For my shoots I have been using a tripod as I have been using shutter speeds higher than one minute. This is very important as without a tripod my images would all be blurry due to it being impossible to keep still for that amount of time. This has also been helpful when trying my multiple-expsure images as the longer the photograph takes the bette the outcome. I have also discovered that using an aperture of F22 works the best, giving me a wide depth of field and ensuring that the whole image is in focus as opposed to having a shallow depth of field. By having everything in focus it allows the viewer to feel like they are in that environment which is the aim of my work, to give an idea of the life of the subject within the image. As for my ISO I have allowed that to change accordingly, it depends on where I am shooting and how bright it is as to determine the light sensitivity needed however I do try to keep it as low as possible.
Multiple-exposure image.
I think that the work I have produced is creative and original. I have enjoyed exploring this rare technique that we don't see often in the photography world as I have learnt something new. Camera obscura has allowed me to experiment with different ideas I have, whilst incorporating working with a subject and getting the landscape outside right, all of which has improved my skill as a photographer. The work I have produced so far has gone well and my work records show how I have refined my work as the shoots progress. This will be further refined going in the exam as I am familiar with the technique and how I should approach it.
My proposal for my exam is to show the environment in and around my house by using three different rooms and showing the events that take place in them. These rooms will all be turnt into camera obscura's to show the exterior as well as the interior of the subjects lives. I have decided to do this to show the importance of a persons living environment and how it has an effect on who they are and the way we perceive them.
My proposal for my exam is to show the environment in and around my house by using three different rooms and showing the events that take place in them. These rooms will all be turnt into camera obscura's to show the exterior as well as the interior of the subjects lives. I have decided to do this to show the importance of a persons living environment and how it has an effect on who they are and the way we perceive them.
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